Past Events

  1. Annual Election 2024

    Event Starts: August 26, 2024

    Dear Enclave at Creekwood Homeowner(s),

    The Annual Election Meeting will be held on Wednesday September 4, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to announce two (2) new Class A Board members elected by vote and discuss normal business of the Association. There must be a quorum, or the Meeting will have to be rescheduled. The easiest way to help make quorum and vote is Electronically on your HOA Website at (you must be registered and logged in). You may email your ballot to, fax it to 469-342-8205 Attn Lori, or USPS Mail to 1512 Crescent Dr Suite 112, Carrollton, TX 75006. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE FOR MORE INFORMATION. We must receive the Ballot/Proxy by or before Tuesday September 3, 2024, at 11:59 pm.

    Click here to Submit Your Vote Now!


    Essex Association Management, L.P., Managing Agent
    On behalf of The Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowners Association, Inc.

    Click here to download and read Annual Election Notice 9.2.24

    Click here to download and complete the paper version of Enclaves at Creekwood Ballot 9.4.24

    Click here to download and complete the paper version of the Creekwood Proxy 9.4.24

    Click here to download and read Enclaves at Creekwood Agenda 9.4.24

    More information
  2. Virtual Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: October 23, 2023


    Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 235 723 577 752
    Passcode: ZuWNYU

    As the Managing Agent for Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowner’s Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that a Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Virtual Board Meetings are open session for homeowners to listen and /or view only. The purpose of this meeting of the Board is to approve the 2024 budget and discuss other normal business of the Association.

    Included with this Notice is the Draft Agenda for the meeting. If you have any questions for the Board prior to the meeting, please email them to your Association Manager, at or submit them via the “Contact Us” tab on the HOA website at Your Association Manager will forward all questions to the Board prior to the meeting, and time permitting, the Board may allow homeowner Q&A after the Board Meeting.

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood BOD Meeting Notice 10.23.23

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood - Draft Agenda - 10.23.23

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  3. Virtual Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: October 17, 2023


    Click here to join the meeting

    Meeting ID: 235 723 577 752
    Passcode: ZuWNYU

    As the Managing Agent for Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowner’s Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that a Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Virtual Board Meetings are open session for homeowners to listen and /or view only. The purpose of this meeting of the Board is to approve the 2024 budget and discuss other normal business of the Association.

    Included with this Notice is the Draft Agenda for the meeting. If you have any questions for the Board prior to the meeting, please email them to your Association Manager, at or submit them via the “Contact Us” tab on the HOA website at Your Association Manager will forward all questions to the Board prior to the meeting, and time permitting, the Board may allow homeowner Q&A after the Board Meeting.

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood BOD Meeting Notice 10.17.23

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood - Draft Agenda - 10.17.23

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  4. Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: October 24, 2023



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  5. Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: July 25, 2023



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  6. Virtual Annual Meeting

    Event Starts: May 25, 2023

    6:00 pm

    The Virtual Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Thursday May 25, 2023, at 6:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association, and to give the homeowners of the Community the opportunity to meet and engage with the Board of Directors. To hold the meeting quorum must be met, or it will have to be rescheduled. Please complete the Proxy and email it to, fax it to 469-342-8205 or mail it to the address below, attention: Lori. Please be sure we receive your proxy by Thursday May 25, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., in order to use it for the meeting.

    We are looking forward to you joining the Virtual Annual Meeting of the Members on Thursday May 25, 2023, at 6:00 pm. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, you may email them to your Association Manager at or click on the “Contact Us” tab on the upper right corner of the HOA website.

    Click here to download and read the Reminder Annual Mtg Enclaves at Creekwood 5.25.23

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood Agenda 5.25.23

    Click here to download and complete the Creekwood Proxy 5.25.23

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  7. Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: April 25, 2023



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  8. Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: January 24, 2023



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  9. Virtual Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: November 17, 2022

    5:30 pm

    Meeting ID: 810 1506 4797
    Passcode: 457847

    As the Managing Agent for Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowner’s Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that a Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday November 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. Virtual Board Meetings are open session for homeowners to listen and /or view only. The purpose of this meeting of the Board is to approve the 2023 budget and discuss other normal business of the Association.

    Included with this Notice is the Draft Agenda for the meeting. If you have any questions for the Board prior to the meeting, please email them to your Association Manager, at or submit them via the “Contact Us” tab on the HOA website at Your Association Manager will forward all questions to the Board prior to the meeting, and time permitting, the Board may allow homeowner Q&A after the Board Meeting.

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood BOD Meeting Notice 11.17.22

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood - Draft Agenda - 11.17.22

    More information
  10. Virtual Annual Election Meeting

    Event Starts: April 07, 2022


    Join at:
    Access Code: 961-717-437
    Install the app prior to the meeting at:

    Click here to submit your Ballot electronically now!

    As the Managing Agent for the Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowners Association Inc., we are pleased to announce, the Virtual Annual Election Meeting will be held Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss business of the association, and to elect three (3) Class A Members to the Board of Directors. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Annual Election Meeting!

    The Election Meeting can only be held if quorum requirements are met prior to the start of the meeting. According to Texas State Property Code 209.00592, An electronic vote counts toward quorum, and is cast either by an internet website or by email. You may mail or fax the ballot as well, but it will not automatically count toward quorum.

    If you submit your ballot electronically (see below), you do not need to include a proxy. However, if you are unable to attend and you mail or fax your ballot, you will need to include your completed proxy with your ballot. Enclosed in this packet you will find the Ballot, Candidates Statements, Proxy, and Draft Agenda. Your vote must be received by Wednesday April 6, at 5:00 p.m.


      1. On HOA website, (Scan QR code) or follow link. You must be the owner of record, *registered and logged in*. Once logged in the Ballot will be available.
      2. Email your Ballot to
      3. Fax your Ballot/Proxy to: (469) 342-8205 Attn: Dwyann Dalrymple
      4. Mail in your Ballot/Proxy Enclaves at Creekwood HOA Attn: Dwyann Dalrymple
      1512 Crescent Drive Suite 200
      Carrollton, TX 75006

    **VOTING ENDS WEDNESDAY APRIL 6, 2022, AT 5:00 P.M.**

    Click here to submit your Proxy online

    Click here to download and read the Annual Election Notice 4.7.22 Creekwood

    Click here to download and read the Enclaves at Creekwood Agenda 4.7.22

    Download and complete the paper version of Enclaves at Creekwood Apr 7 22 Ballot

    Download and complete the paper version of Creekwood Apr 7 22 Proxy

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