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Notice of Election Runoff - Election Tie

Published: April 14, 2022

As the Managing Agent for the Enclaves at Creekwood Homeowners Association Inc., we are pleased to announce the electronic voting for the Election Runoff is now available online, on the Association website. The purpose of this runoff is to break the election tie, a result of the election held on April 7, 2022, and elect one (1) additional member to the Board of Directors. Owners will have until Monday April 18, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Click here to submit your Ballot electronically now!

All voting will take place electronically, either by voting on the Association website, or by email, or fax. No paper ballots permitted; no proxy assignments allowed for a runoff election. The winner of the election runoff will be announced the following day Tuesday April 19, 2022, via e-mail blast and posted to the Association website.

How to vote electronically:

    1. On your Associations Website at < href="">
    2. Email your ballot to
    3. Fax your ballot to (469) 342-8205 att: Lori Dalrymple

All documentation enclosed has been posted to the Association website. Only the Owner of record may cast a vote, and only one (1) vote per household. It is very important that your ballot is returned by or before the deadline of Monday, April 18, 2022, at 5:00 p.m., for your vote to be counted.

Click here to download and read the Creekwood Run Off Notice 4.19.22

Click here to download and complete the paper version of the Creekwood Run Off Ballot Apr 2022

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